The Creative Universe Project pays special attention to the restoration and construction of Orthodox temples. Churches and Orthodox shrines are being built and restored in Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Bulgaria and Cyprus. Largely thanks to the support and efforts of the Foundation in Saint Petersburg, the buildings of the Ioannovsky Convent on Karpovka were restored, the Church of St. George the Victorious, the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and the Church in the name of St. Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg were erected. According to ancient, miraculously saved drawings and photographs, the Temple of the Nativity on the Sands destroyed in 1934 was recreated from scratch.
Temple of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco, Bachevci village, Serbia
The temple was consecrated in 2018 and dedicated to one of the most revered saints of the Serbian land. The great consecration of the temple and the Divine Liturgy in the newly consecrated temple were performed by Bishop Lavrentiy of Shabach in joint worship with the clergy of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
The temple is located on the territory of the monastery in honour of the Romanov holy royal martyrs. The monastery was founded in the village of Bachevtsi-Deligrad in 2013. The first monastery temple was the Church of the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God. In 2014, a temple-monument to the holy royal family which was built in Russia and donated to the Serbian Church was consecrated on the territory of the monastery. At the moment there are 3 temples on the territory of the monastery. The temple was built at the expense of the President of the Creative World Foundation, Vyacheslav Adamovich Zarenkov.
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