Man in the Universe

Man in the Universe

Man in the Universe

Man in the Universe

Russia, Gagarin city, Leonov square

Russia, Gagarin city, Leonov square

Man in the Universe

Man in the Universe

Composition objectives

Composition objectives

Composition themes

Composition themes

Leonov’ space-walk

Leonov’s space-walk

Arches as a symbol of space orbits

Arches as a symbol of space orbits

Planet the Earth is our home

Planet the Earth is our home

View from the Space

View from the Space

Entering outer space

Entering outer space

Arched panel

Arched panel

Dry fountain “The Sun”

Dry fountain “The Sun”

Dry fountain “The Sun”

Dry fountain “The Sun”

Our Galaxy and the Solar system

Our Galaxy and the Solar system

Spaceship zone

Spaceship zone

Leonov square

Leonov square

Man in the Universe

Man in the Universe


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